Monday, May 17, 2010

Blog Virgin

Okay, here goes . . . my first blog. I'm not sure, blogs are so cool and trendy. And I really don't know anything about blogs. I don't visit many blog pages (is that what they're called? blog page? I don't know the lingo. I'll be kicked out of the blogosphere! Everyone will know I'm a fraud!)

So the next question is (wait, did I ask a first question? Oh yes, there are at least two questions in my parenthetical statement above), why am I writing a blog? Well, it's like this. I was standing over there, rusting for the longest time. Wait, no. Let me try again.

I'll tell you about my friend Gina. When we were in high school, I described her as someone bursting with love and hugs for everyone. Well, she's also bursting with brilliance, energy, and creativity that is breathtaking. She suggested that we share a blog. I'll write, she'll write. We'll brutally edit each other's blogs. Now I'll be honest. While Gina is busy writing songs, pounding out tunes on the piano, teaching her fourth grade class, reading, writing, creating art (pant, pant, pant), taking care of her ever growing menagerie, travelling with her 11-year-old son Santino to Europe, fighting the good fight at her school, I'm . . . I'm . . . probably watching an old Friends episode on TV. So the idea of sitting down and writing a blog is somewhat daunting for me. (Well, the sitting down part sounds okay; I'm really good at that.)

But I'm going to give it the old college try. I even figured out today how to set up this blog. I considered stopping with that. I mean, I don't want to overdo it on the first day. But it occurred to me that creating a blog and then never actually writing something would be rather sad.

So I'll be back. (Hmm, I'd rather quote the Tin Man than the Governor. Have you noticed how much I like parenthetical phrases? I really do. I think they're very fun; I also like semi-colons a lot. How about you?)


  1. i forgot to say, nice blog! and btw i do love parentheses--almost as much as i love dashes.

  2. Ah, so there are comments posted! just found them. I'll be a better blogger in the future. I'd rather be a blogger than a logger. I'd rather be a hammer than a nail. Yes I would. Or is that wood?

  3. you know this might be even better if other people were reading our blog! :^D

  4. Hey look, someone else is reading your blog!!! I just figured out that I'm reading it backwards, though. First blog last. Top to bottom. I'll do better next time. Seems that while mac may be a new blogger, I'm a new blog reader! Sad, eh?
